Rethinking, Rebuilding, and Rebranding your Opportunity
Opportunity Alert: Life Changing Opportunity for Young Adults 18-30
If you are 18-30 years old and looking for a career, you can apply to our Memphis-based code school program that starts in January 2023.
The Code Collective, backed by The Collective Blueprint and Code Crew, will get you working in Software Development in less than a year. We help young adults succeed in school and land a career afterward without burdening you with debt. Graduates earn over $50,000 a year. They also receive $400/month, training and coaching support.Join the Code Collective and start a new chapter in your life. Applications close in December 2022 but are processed first come, first serve until the program is full.
Learn more and apply for free: www.changeiscollective.org/apply

If you are 16-24 you may be eligible for our Opportunity R3 program.
Opportunity R3 offers a guided path to further your education or to prepare for workforce readiness.
Opportunity R3 is removing barriers and connecting the gap between preparation and opportunity for young people to realize their full potential to transform lives and the stability of communities.
High School
Excel Center
The Excel Center provides adults 18 and older the opportunity and support to earn a high school diploma and begin post-secondary education while developing career paths in sectors of the local economy that offer better-than-average employment and growth opportunities.Tuition and on-site child care and transportation assistance is available.
Connect with the Goodwill Excel Center to complete your high school equivalency diploma.
At HopeWorks it’s never too late to go back to school! With a high school equivalency diploma, you will have access to meaningful careers and better paying jobs to support your family. You will be able to participate in trade or technical programs or work toward your college degree. Also, you will set a great example for your children.
You can do this! Call 396-8800 to find out how or visit whyhopeworks.org.
Free College
Tennessee is the first state in the nation to offer a free community college education to everyone and that includes adults, too. Ninety-nine percent of southwest graduates find a job. Take advantage by visiting tnpromise.com or contact Southwest Tennessee Community College at southwest.tn.edu or 333-5000.
Learn more by visiting tnpromise.gov or Tennessee reconnect program.
Free Technical college
Just like community college, you can attend the Tennessee College of Applied Technology for free. These skills can lead to specific careers with real demand in Memphis such as aircraft mechanic, automotive technician, and heating/ventilation/air conditioning repair.
Check out TCAT’s programs here, along with salary ranges and the local job market for each. For more information call 543-6100 or visit tcatmemphis.edu.
Free Career Training
Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 to 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training.
The Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks Job Corps center supports the job corps program’s mission to teach eligible young people the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.
In addition to career training, Dr. Benjamin l. Hooks job corps center also provides academic training, including basic reading and math, courses in independent living, employability skills, and career success skills are offered to help students transition into the workplace. They also have several academic programs to help our students achieve their full potential.
For more information or to join call 901.396.2800 or visit benjaminlhooks.jobcorps.gov
National Career Readiness Certificate
The ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is a valid and meaningful workforce credential. The certification helps companies understand if its employees or potential employees have a certain level of ability in key areas required for many jobs. Through the Workforce Investment Network and TeachEd2Go, NCRC training is Free.

Women Offering Women Support- WOWS
Women Offering Women Support (WOWS) is a six-week program delivered by community partners in a workshop setting.
The topics include:
- Who am I? Personality Assessment
- Belief and Goals Vision Planning
- Financial Freedom
- Affordable Home Ownership
- Health and Wellness
- Strategies for Positive Communication

Social Services
If you are looking for help!
Just dial 2-1-1 to reach the community information and referral resources of LINC at the Memphis Public Library. Linc, in conjunction with United Way of the Mid-South, is our local source for community resources and maintains a large, comprehensive database of human services organizations, government agencies and volunteer groups that connects you with community services such as mental health, transportation, food, utility assistance, and literacy programs.
Linc 211 maintains an online database of resources here.

Criminal Record
We may be able to get your record cleared!
This expungement program is a partnership with the Shelby County Clerk and the Shelby County District Attorney that assists eligible participants in paying final fees necessary to clear their background issues. Expungements for non-violent felons helps to more easily re-enter the workforce and can help with the process as well as provide skills training. Call our office of Community Affairs at 576-6203, to see if you’re eligible.

© 2022 City of Memphis Opportunity R3