Social Services
If you are looking for help!
Just dial 2-1-1 to reach the community information and referral resources of LINC at the Memphis Public Library. Linc, in conjunction with United Way of the Mid-South, is our local source for community resources and maintains a large, comprehensive database of human services organizations, government agencies and volunteer groups that connects you with community services such as mental health, transportation, food, utility assistance, and literacy programs.
Linc 211 maintains an online database of resources here.

Criminal Record
We may be able to get your record cleared!
Mayor Strickland’s Expungement Program is a partnership with the Shelby County Clerk and the Shelby County District Attorney to assist eligible participants in paying final fees necessary to clear their background issues.
Mayor Strickland has raised private money to pay for expungements for non-violent felons so they can more easily re-enter the workforce and can help you with the process and provide skills training. Call our office of Community Affairs at 576-6203, to see if you’re eligible